Lesson: Food and Shopping at the Market
Welcome to our French lesson on “Food and Shopping,” focusing on essential phrases and vocabulary you’ll need when visiting a market in a Francophone area. This lesson will guide you through buying fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh products, enhancing your shopping experience and interaction with local vendors.
Part 1: Buying Fruits and Vegetables
- Pomme (f) – Apple
- Banane (f) – Banana
- Carotte (f) – Carrot
- Tomate (f) – Tomato
- Poivron (m) – Bell pepper
- Salade (f) – Lettuce
- Raisin (m) – Grape
- Citron (m) – Lemon
- Orange (f) – Orange
- Concombre (m) – Cucumber
- Aubergine (f) – Eggplant
- Courgette (f) – Zucchini
- Oignon (m) – Onion
- Pomme de terre (f) – Potato
- Fraise (f) – Strawberry
- Cerise (f) – Cherry
- Poire (f) – Pear
- Pêche (f) – Peach
- Melon (m) – Melon
- Courge (f) – Squash
Phrases for Shopping:
- Bonjour, je voudrais acheter des [fruits/légumes]. Hello, I would like to buy some [fruits/vegetables].
- Combien coûtent ces [pommes/carottes]? How much are these [apples/carrots]?
- Je prendrai [trois] [tomates], s’il vous plaît. I will take [three] [tomatoes], please.
- Ces [bananes] sont-elles mûres? Are these [bananas] ripe?
- Pouvez-vous me donner un kilo de [poivrons], s’il vous plaît? Can you give me one kilo of [bell peppers], please?
Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks
Translate and complete the sentences with the appropriate fruit or vegetable:
- I would like to buy some _______. (carrots)
- How much is this _______? (lettuce)
- Can I have two kilos of _______? (apples)
Part 2: Buying Fresh Products
- Fromage (m) – Cheese
- Lait (m) – Milk
- Œufs (m, pl) – Eggs
- Pain (m) – Bread
- Poisson (m) – Fish
- Viande (f) – Meat
- Poulet (m) – Chicken
- Beurre (m) – Butter
- Yaourt (m) – Yogurt
- Jambon (m) – Ham
- Saucisson (m) – Sausage
- Crème (f) – Cream
- Miel (m) – Honey
- Chocolat (m) – Chocolate
- Huile d’olive (f) – Olive oil
- Vinaigre (m) – Vinegar
- Biscuit (m) – Cookie/Biscuit
- Tarte (f) – Tart/Pie
- Glace (f) – Ice cream
- Pâté (m) – Pâté
Phrases for Shopping:
- Il me faudrait du [fromage] frais. I am looking for fresh [cheese].
- Avez-vous du [lait] bio? Do you have organic [milk]?
- Combien coûtent les [œufs]? How much are the [eggs]?
- Je voudrais un morceau de [poisson], s’il vous plaît. I would like a piece of [fish], please.
- Pouvez-vous me couper une livre de [pain]? Can you cut me a half kilo of [bread]?
Exercise 2: Translate to French
Translate the following sentences into French:
- Do you have fresh eggs today?
- I want to buy some organic milk.
- How much is the fish per kilo?
- I need two baguettes of bread.
- Can I taste this cheese?
- Where do you find these vegetables?
- Do you have seasonal fruits?
- How much are these tomatoes?
Remember to practice these phrases before your market visit to make your shopping experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Understanding and using these terms will not only help you shop more effectively but also deepen your engagement with the local culture and language.