Here is the list of the 100 most used first-group verbs in French.

Learning a language is a journey filled with exciting challenges and rewarding milestones. One of the foundational elements of mastering French is familiarizing yourself with its verbs, particularly those from the first group, which are characterized by their -er endings and regular conjugation patterns.

We are delighted to present to you a meticulously curated list of the 100 most used first-group verbs in French. This compilation not only serves as a practical tool for beginners but also as a comprehensive guide for advanced learners looking to refine their fluency and understanding of French verb usage.

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Whether you’re just starting out or aiming to polish your skills, this list is designed to provide you with a solid foundation for your French language studies. Each verb is a building block towards achieving greater confidence and proficiency in communicating effectively in French.

Explore, learn, and integrate these verbs into your daily practice, and watch your French language abilities flourish. Happy learning!

A – F F-S S-Z
accepter – accept frapper – hit sauver – save
embrasser – kiss refuser – refuse compter – count
porter – carry avancer – advance montrer – show
acheter – buy gagner – win sembler – seem
emporter – take away regarder – watch continuer – continue
poser – put briller – shine nommer – name
aider – help garder – keep tirer – pull
entrer – enter rencontrer – meet coucher – lay down
posséder – own brûler – burn occuper – occupy
aimer – love glisser – slip tomber – fall
envoyer – send rentrer – return crier – shout
pousser – push cacher – hide oublier – forget
ajouter – add jeter – throw toucher – touch
espérer – hope répéter – repeat décider – decide
préparer – prepare causer – cause parler – speak
appeler – call jouer – play tourner – turn
essayer – try ressembler – resemble demander – ask
présenter – introduce cesser – cease passer – pass
apporter – bring juger – judge travailler – work
exister – exist rester – stay deviner – guess
prier – pray changer – change payer – pay
approcher – approach lever – lift traverser – cross
expliquer – explain retourner – return donner – give
prononcer – pronounce chanter – sing penser – think
appuyer – press manger – eat tromper – deceive
exprimer – express retrouver – find écouter – listen
quitter – leave charger – load placer – place
arrêter – stop manquer – miss trouver – find
fermer – close rêver – dream élever – raise
raconter – tell chercher – search pleurer – cry
arriver – arrive marcher – walk tuer – kill
former – form rouler – drive voler – steal
rappeler – remind commencer – begin voyager – travel
assurer – assure monter – climb None