Expressions for greeting and thanking are essential for communication. Depending on the degree of familiarity and the situation, we will choose to express ourselves in a more or less formal way. Here is a list of useful expressions for greeting and thanking in French.


→ Morning and afternoon:

  • Bonjour Monsieur.  – Good morning Sir.
  • Bonjour Madame. Good morning Madam.
  • Bonjour Vincent, comment allez-vous ? – Good morning Vincent, how are you?
  • Bonjour Monsieur Frais, comment allez-vous ? – Good morning Mrs. Frais, how are you?

→ Evening:

  • Bonsoir Monsieur.Good evening Sir.
  • Bonsoir Madame.Good evening Madam.
  • Bonsoir Madame Pin, comment allez-vous ? – Good evening Mrs. Pin, how are you?

→ To part:

  • Bonne journée !  – Have a nice day!
  • Je vous souhaite une bonne journée. –  I wish you a good day.
  • Bonne soirée !Have a nice evening!
  • Je vous souhaite une bonne soirée. –  I wish you a good evening.
  • Bon après-midi ! – Good afternoon!
  • Au revoir. Goodbye.
  • À bientôt. See you soon.

→ To say thank you:

  • Merci.Thank you.
  • Merci beaucoup.Thank you very much.
  • Je vous remercie.Thank you.
  • Merci beaucoup, c’est très gentil.Thank you very much, that’s very kind.
  • Merci infiniment. C’est vraiment très gentil.Thank you very much. That’s really very kind.

In a familiar context (with friends, family, classmates, work colleagues of the same age) we generally prefer to use the informal “tu”.


→ Morning, noon and evening

  • Salut, tu vas bien ? – Hi, are you well?
  • Bonjour. – Good morning.
  • Salut, ça va ? – Hi, how are you?
  • Salut, comment ça va ? – Hi, how are you?
  • Salut, tu vas bien ? – Hi, are you okay?
  • Ça va bien, et toi ? – I’m fine, and you?

→ To part

  • Au revoir !Goodbye!
  • Salut ! – Hi!
  • À plus !See you later!
  • Ciao ! – Ciao!
  • À bientôt ! See you soon!

→ To say thank you

  • merci – thank you
  • merci beaucoupthank you very much