Lesson: Conjugating French Verbs Ending in -GER and -CER
This lesson will focus on how to correctly conjugate French verbs ending in -GER and -CER. These verbs require specific modifications in their conjugations to maintain the correct pronunciation in the first person plural form.
Conjugating French Verbs Ending in -GER
Verbs that end in -GER, such as “manger” (to eat) and “voyager” (to travel), require an additional ‘e’ in the first person plural form (nous) in the present tense to maintain the soft ‘g’ sound [ʒ].
Rule: Insert an ‘e’ after the ‘g’ in the ‘nous’ form to preserve the pronunciation.
Nous mangeons (We eat) Nous voyageons (We travel)
List of Common -GER Verbs and Translations:
- abréger (to abbreviate)
- allonger (to extend)
- aménager (to arrange)
- arranger (to arrange)
- avantager (to favor)
- bouger (to move)
- changer (to change)
- corriger (to correct)
- décharger (to unload)
- décourager (to discourage)
- déranger (to disturb)
- diriger (to direct)
- échanger (to exchange)
- éponger (to mop up)
- juger (to judge)
- longer (to go along)
- manger (to eat)
- mélanger (to mix)
- nager (to swim)
- obliger (to oblige)
- partager (to share)
- plonger (to dive)
- protéger (to protect)
- ranger (to arrange)
- recharger (to recharge)
- ronger (to gnaw)
- venger (to avenge)
- voyager (to travel)
Conjugating Verbs Ending in -CER
For -CER verbs, a cédille (ç) is added under the ‘c’ in the ‘nous’ form in the present tense to maintain the soft ‘c’ sound [s].
Add a cédille (ç) to the ‘c’ in the ‘nous’ form to preserve the pronunciation.
Nous plaçons (We place)
Nous avançons (We advance)
List of Common -CER Verbs and Translations:
- avancer (to advance)
- coincer (to wedge)
- commencer (to begin)
- enfoncer (to sink)
- financer (to finance)
- foncer (to darken/to rush)
- forcer (to force)
- grimacer (to grimace)
- lancer (to throw)
- percer (to pierce)
- prononcer (to pronounce)
- saucer (to dip in sauce)
- tracer (to trace)
🔷 Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks
Conjugate the following verbs in the first person plural (nous) in the present tense:
- Nous __________ (manger) des fruits.
- Nous __________ (commencer) le projet.
- Nous __________ (voyager) en France.
Nous __________ (tracer) la route.
🔷 Exercise 2: Translate to French
Translate these sentences into French using the correct form of the verbs:
- We judge the competition.
- We share the cake.
- We advance the plan.
- We place the books on the shelf.
This thorough understanding of -GER and -CER verbs and their conjugations will enhance your fluency and confidence in using French accurately in both spoken and written forms. Practice regularly to master these essential verb forms.
Keywords : French Verbs Ending in -GER and -CER