Category: intermediate

Pronoun Y

The pronoun “Y” represents a place, a thing, an idea, a concept, an animal. (not a person) Y can be a place complement. It replaces a place complement introduced by…

French Future Tense Dialogue

Lesson : Understanding French Conversational Dialogue Introduction Welcome to our comprehensive lesson on the French future tense dialogue! In this lesson, we’ll join Julie and Nana in exploring the nuances…

Subjunctive Mood in French

Lesson: Understanding the Subjunctive Mood in French Introduction The subjunctive mood in French, known as “le subjonctif,” plays a crucial role in expressing uncertainty, emotion, desire, and possibility. This lesson…

differences connaître and savoir

Lesson: Understanding Connaître vs Savoir in French – differences connaître and savoir 🍀 CONNAÎTRE VS. SAVOIR : QUIZ 🍀 Can you make a clear distinction between “savoir” and “connaître”? Try…