French Pronunciation Guide for English Speakers

French Pronuniation

How to pronounce French :  Pronunciation Guide for English Speakers

It is possible to read French based on English pronunciation. This system has its limitations, but we should not deprive ourselves of the similarity between the two languages. Although not all French sounds are in the English language, we can get close to them by following the instructions below.

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A. The French Vowels :

Simple Vowels

Let’s first see how to read the vowels a, e, i, o, u, y

Vowel Description French Example English Translation Pronunciation
a Like “ah” in “father” chat cat / ʃa /
sac bag / sak /
there / la /
e Often silent at the end.  The French “e” is pronounced like “the”, “of”, “a” in English. le the / la /
Followed by two consonants, the “e” is pronounced [e] or [ɛ] like “bet”, “set” in English. merci thank you / mɛrsi /
Followed by two “m”, the “e” is pronounced [a] like “a” in “father”. femme woman / fam /
i, y are pronounced [i] like “ee” in “see” si if / si /
livre book / livr /
midi noon / midi /
o is pronounced [o] or [ɔ] originalité originality / ɔriʒinalite /
vélo bicycle / moto /
zoo zoo / zo /
u is pronounced [y]. Unique in French; form an “o” shape with your lips and try saying “ee” lune moon / lyn /
du some / dy /
mur wall / myr /

Compound Vowels


Vowel Combination Description French Example English Translation Pronunciation
ai/ei is generaly pronounced like “ay” in “say” j’ai I have / ʒɛ /
peine penalty / pɛn /
reine queen / rɛn /
ou Like “oo” in “food” vous you / vu /
clou nail / klu /
fou crazy / fu /
eu/œu Souvent prononcé comme “e”. neveu nephew / nəvø /
feu fire / fø /
nœud node / nø /
au, eau is pronounced [o] au in, at ( preposition) / o /
eau water / o /
oi is pronounced [wa] soir evening / swar /
toit roof / twa /

Nasal Vowels

Nasal vowels are based on the vowels [ɑ] [ɔ] [ɛ] [œ]. Air passes through the mouth and nose when pronouncing these vowels. The vowels are written and pronounced as follows: [ɑ̃] [ɔ̃] [ɛ̃] [œ̃].

Let’s see some examples:

Vowel Combination Description French Example English Translation Pronunciation
an/en/am/em Like “ah” in “father” but nasal.

⚠️ note that we do not pronounce the “n” or the “m”

enfant child / ɑ̃fɑ̃ /
temps time / tɑ̃ /
champ field / ʃɑ̃ /
in/im/ain/aim Like “bet”, “set” in English.but nasal.

⚠️ note that we do not pronounce the “n” or the “m”

impossible impossible / ɛ̃pɔsibl /
américain american / amerikɛ̃ /
on/om pronounced [o] but nasal.

⚠️ note that we do not pronounce the “n” or the “m”

bon good / bɔ̃ /
pompon pompom / pɔ̃pɔ̃ /
un/um pronounced [œ] but nasal.

⚠️ note that we do not pronounce the “n” or the “m”

un a, an / œ̃ /
parfum parfume / paʀfœ̃ /

The French Consonants: A Guide for English Speakers

Simple Consonants

note that the “s, t, d” at the end of a word are generally not pronounced.

Consonant Description French Example English Translation Pronunciation
b, d, f, k, l, m, n, p, t, v, z Generally similar to English pronunciation table table / tabl /
bébé baby / bebe /
papa dad / papa /
g Hard as in “go” or soft as in “giraffe” gâteau cake / gato /
girafe giraffe / ʒiraf /
j Like “s” in “measure” jour day / ʒur /
r Guttural, like in the back of the throat restaurant restaurant / rɛstɔʀɑ̃ /
s Like “s” in “sun” or “z” between vowels festival festival / fɛstival /
rose rose / roz /
not pronounced at the end of words pas not / pa /
h Always silent in French homme man / ɔm /
Special Cases
c At the end of the word, or followed by “a, o, u”, “c” is pronounced [k]. café coffe / kafe /
sac bag / sak /
Followed by “e, i, y”, “c” is pronounced [s].or soft like in “city” cerise cherry / səʀiz /
g Hard as in “go” or soft as in “giraffe” girafe






compound consonants

Now let’s look at consonants made up of two letters (digraphs)


Description French Example English Translation Pronunciation
ch The most common pronounciation is [ʃ], equivalent to “sh” in English. chat cat / ʃa /
proche near / prɔʃ /
Sometime pronounced [k] orchestre orchestra / ɔrkestra /
gn pronounced like the “ni” in “onion campagne campaign / kɑ̃paɲ /
qu pronounced [k] quiche quiche / kiʃ /
ph pronounced [f] like “fire” philosophie philosophy / filɔzɔfi /
ss pronounced [s] like “sauce” essai essay / esɛ /
ll pronounced [l] like “ball” balle ball / bal /
preceded by “i”, ll is generally pronounced [j] fille girl / fij /