French days of the week and Months of the Year
1. Here are the days:
Note : The French week starts with Monday, not Sunday.
days in french | Prononciation (english) | IPA | days in english |
lundi | lun-dee | / lœ̃di / | Monday |
mardi | mar-dee | / maʁdi / | Tuesday |
mercredi | mare-cruh-dee | / mɛʁkʁədi / | Wednesday |
jeudi | juh-dee | / ʒødi / | Thursday |
vendredi | vahn-druh-dee | / vɑ̃dʁədi / | Friday |
samedi | sam-dee | / samdi / | Saturday |
dimanche | dee-monsh | / dimɑ̃ʃ / | Sunday |
📌 Pronunciation Tip:
The final ‘i’ in “lundi”, “mardi”, “mercredi”, etc., is pronounced like the ‘ee’ in ‘see’.
🍀 check your pronunciation 🍀
Exercice : Pronounce the days of the week.
2. Months of the Year in French
Now let’s learn the months of the year:
French Month | Phonetic Spelling (English) | IPA | English Translation |
janvier | zhan-vee-ay | ʒɑ̃vje | January |
février | fay-vree-ay | fevʁije | February |
mars | mars | maʁs | March |
avril | ah-vreel | avʁil | April |
mai | may | me | May |
juin | zhwan | ʒɥɛ̃ | June |
juillet | zhwee-ay | ʒɥijɛ | July |
août | oot | ut | August |
septembre | sep-tahm-bruh | sɛptɑ̃bʁ | September |
octobre | ok-toh-bruh | ɔktɔbʁ | October |
novembre | no-vahm-bruh | nɔvɑ̃bʁ | November |
décembre | day-sahm-bruh | desɑ̃bʁ | December |
How to say the date in French:
The date in French is said in the following way: le + day of the week + day of the month (number) + month + year
Example : Le lundi 21 septembre 2035. Monday, September 21, 2035.
To ask about the date, we say in the following way:
- Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui ? What is today’s date?
The answer is:
- Nous sommes le lundi 21 septembre 2035. Today is Monday, September 21, 2035.
- On est le lundi 21 septembre 2035. Today is Monday, September 21, 2035.
Here are some questions. Try to answer them in French.
- Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui ? What’s today’s date?
- C’est quand votre anniversaire ? When’s your birthday?
- Quelle sera la date de demain ? What day is tomorrow?
- Pouvez-vous me donner la date de la prochaine réunion ? Can you give me the date for the next meeting?
- Quelle était la date d’hier ? What was yesterday’s date?
- Quelle était la date de notre dernière réunion ? When was the last time we met?
- Comment dit-on … How do you say “March 15th” in French?
- Est-ce que le 21 avril est un jour férié ? Is April 21st a public holiday in France?
- Quel est le premier jour de l’hiver ? When is the first day of winter?