French for Beginners: Lesson 4 – Personal Pronouns and the Verb “être” (To Be)
The verb is absolutely essential in French. First, we will see in this lesson the conjugation of this irregular verb (you have to memorize it) as well as the subject pronouns.


  • Study the subject pronouns in French.
  • Learn to recognize the verb être and learn to pronounce it.
  • Formulate simple sentences with the verb être.

1. French Personal Pronouns

Subject pronouns replace proper nouns or common nouns. Note that the pronouns “he” and “she” can replace a name of a thing or a person.
Also note that “he” and “she” each have a plural, unlike in English.

French Subject Pronouns English Translation
je I
tu You (singular, informal)
il / elle He/She
nous We
vous You (plural, formal)
ils / elles They (masculine/feminine)

2. Conjugation of “être”

The verb “être” means “to be” and is used frequently. Here’s how it’s conjugated:

French Subject Pronouns Conjugation of “Être” English Translation IPA Pronunciation
je suis I am ʒə sɥi
tu es You are ty ɛ
il/elle est he / she is il/ɛl/ɔ̃ ɛ
nous sommes We are nu sɔm
vous êtes You are vu zɛt
ils/elles sont They are il/zɛl sɔ̃

Utilisation : 

être is often followed by an attribute of the subject (an adjective that agrees in gender and number with the subject).

For example:

Il est étudiant.            He is a student.
Ils sont médecins.     They are doctors.

In the case of “I”, “you”, “we”, “you”, it is important to ask about the subject to agree the adjective.

Example 1 :  “Je” = female subject

Je suis anglaise. Je suis allemande. Je suis roumaine. Je suis russe. 

I am English. I am German. I am Romanian. I am Russian.

Example 2 : Je = male subject

Je suis anglais. Je suis allemand. Je suis roumain. Je suis russe. 

I am English. I am German. I am Romanian. I am Russian.


Complete with the verb to be. Pay attention to the conjugation.

transcription and answers
  1. Je _____ français. ( I am French. )
  2. Ils _______ anglais. ( They are English. )
  3. Vous ______ Américain. ( You are American. )
  4. Tu ______ Italien. ( You are Italian. )
  5. Elles _____ françaises. ( They are French. )

Answers : 

  1. Je suis français. ( I am French. )
  2. Ils sont anglais. ( They are English. )
  3. Vous êtes Américain. ( You are American. )
  4. Tu es Italien. ( You are Italian. )
  5. Elles sont françaises. ( They are French. )


Keyphrase : Personal Pronouns in French