Welcome to Lesson 1: French Greetings on Easy French Podcast! Starting with the basics, this lesson is designed to help you master common French greetings and their proper pronunciation. Whether you’re meeting someone for the first time or catching up with friends, knowing how to greet others in French is essential for any conversation.

Join us as we guide you through a variety of greetings, from formal to casual, ensuring you feel confident and natural in your interactions. This lesson is perfect for beginners looking to make a positive impression and build their communication skills in French. Let’s get started and make your first steps in French joyful and exciting


  • Learn basic French greetings.
  • Understand simple French pronunciation.
  • Familiarize yourself with some common French phrases.

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1. French Greetings

French Pronunciation English
bonjour bon-zhoor Hello
bonsoir bon-swahr Good evening
au revoir oh ruh-vwar Goodbye
à plus tard ah ploo tar See you later
Comment allez-vous ? kom-mawn tah-lay voo How are you? (formal)
Ça va ? sah vah How are you? (informal)
Ça va bien, merci. sah vah byan, mair-see I’m good, thank you
Comme ci, comme ça. kohm see, kohm sah I’m so-so
Pas bien. pah byan Not good

2. Basic Pronunciation Guide

French pronunciation can be tricky for beginners, but don’t stress! Here are some key points and helpful tips to guide you:

R: The French ‘R’ has a guttural sound, pronounced at the back of the throat. To get it right, try making a gargling sound at the back of your mouth and then refine it to a softer, rolling ‘R.’

U: This sound doesn’t exist in English. To make it, shape your lips as if to say “oo” (like in ‘food’), but then say “ee” (like in ‘see’). Practicing in front of a mirror helps you get the right mouth shape.

E: At the end of words, it’s usually silent. For example, “Parle” is pronounced “Parl.” If there’s an accent on the ‘e’ (like in “café”), pronounce it like the English letter “a.”

G: When followed by ‘e’ or ‘i’, the letter ‘G’ sounds like the ‘s’ in “measure.” When followed by ‘a’, ‘o’, or ‘u’, it sounds like the ‘g’ in “go.” Try repeating words like “géant” and “garage” to practice.

C: When ‘C’ is followed by ‘e’ or ‘i’, it’s pronounced like an ‘s’, as in “cerise” or “cinéma.” If it’s followed by ‘a’, ‘o’, or ‘u’, it sounds like a ‘k’, as in “carotte” or “couleur.”

General Tip: Listen to native French speakers and mimic their pronunciation. Language learning apps and French movies with subtitles are great resources for immersion.

free basic pronounciation guide

3. Common Phrases

French Pronunciation English
oui wee Yes
non nawn No
s’il vous plaît see voo play Please
merci mair-see Thank you
désolé day-soh-lay Sorry
excusez-moi ex-kew-zay mwah Excuse me

Practice Exercise
Try to use these phrases in a simple conversation. For example:

A: Bonjour!
B: Bonjour! Ça va?
A: Ça va bien, merci. Et toi?
B: Comme ci, comme ça.


A: Hello!

B: Hello! How’s it going?

A: I’m doing well, thanks. How about you?

B: So-so.

Congratulations on completing your first French lesson! Remember, practice makes perfect. Try to use these phrases in your daily life to get comfortable with them. À bientôt (see you soon) for your next lesson!

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