French future tense dialogue

French Future Tense Dialogue

Lesson : Understanding French Conversational Dialogue

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Welcome to our comprehensive lesson on the French future tense dialogue! In this lesson, we’ll join Julie and Nana in exploring the nuances of the French language, focusing specifically on conversations about the future. We’ll analyze their dialogue, delve into grammar explanations, and practice using the future tense in various contexts. Let’s dive in and enhance our understanding of French dialogue in future scenarios!

Exploring the French Future Tense: Dialogue Overview and Translation

Dialogue :

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dialogue & translation

Transcription : 

  • Julie:  Donc, à partir de demain, tu suivras des cours de français ?
  • Nana: Oui, j’étudierai à l’Alliance française pendant 6 mois. C’est loin d’ici ?
  • Julie: Non, c’est à 10 minutes. Tu prendras le bus. L’arrêt est à 100 mètres de la maison. Tu verras, c’est très pratique.
  • Nana: Tant mieux.
  • Julie: Si tu restes six mois, tu parleras comme une Française !
  • Nana: Je sais que ce n’est pas possible. Mais je ferai de mon mieux ! C’est la première fois que je viens en France, je suis un peu stressée.
  • Julie: Oh, tout se passera bien. On s’occupera bien de toi.

English Translation

  • Julie: So, starting tomorrow, you will be attending French classes?
  • Nana: Yes, I will study at the Alliance Française for 6 months. Is it far from here?
  • Julie: No, it’s 10 minutes away. You will take the bus. The stop is 100 meters from the house. You’ll see, it’s very convenient.
  • Nana: That’s good.
  • Julie: If you stay for six months, you will speak like a Frenchwoman!
  • Nana: I know it’s not possible. But I will do my best! It’s my first time in France, I am a bit stressed.
  • Julie: Oh, everything will be fine. We will take good care of you.

Vocabulary List and Explanation

  • Suivre des cours (to take classes) – This is what Nana will do to learn French.
  • Alliance Française – A worldwide network promoting French language and culture.
  • L’arrêt (the stop) – Refers to the bus stop.
  • Tant mieux (That’s good/so much the better) – Expression used when the situation is favorable.
  • Stressée (stressed) – Describes Nana’s feeling about her new environment.

Key Phrases for Communication

  • C’est loin d’ici ? – A practical question to ask about distance.
  • Tu parleras comme une Française ! – Encouraging remark about becoming fluent in French.
  • Je ferai de mon mieux. – A commitment to try one’s best.


I) Understanding French Future Tense: Usage and Formation

Introduction to Future Simple

The future simple tense in French, known as “le futur simple,” is used to talk about future actions or events that are certain to occur. It is equivalent to the future tense in English (e.g., “I will study”). This tense is crucial for discussing future plans, making predictions, or expressing inevitability.

Formation of the Future Simple

The future simple in French is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive of the verb. If the infinitive ends in -e, it is dropped before adding the endings. Here are the standard endings for all verbs:

  • -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont

Example Conjugation: “Parler” (to speak)

  • Je parlerai (I will speak)
  • Tu parleras (You will speak)
  • Il/Elle parlera (He/She will speak)
  • Nous parlerons (We will speak)
  • Vous parlerez (You will speak)
  • Ils/Elles parleront (They will speak)

Click here to delve deeper into the study of the future tense with this comprehensive lesson and exercises.

Usage in the Dialogue

In the dialogue, the future simple is used to describe actions that will take place in the near future:

  • “Tu suivras des cours de français?” (You will take French classes?)
    • “Suivre” (to follow/to take classes) is conjugated in the future simple to discuss Nana’s upcoming educational activities.
  • “Tu prendras le bus.” (You will take the bus.)
    • “Prendre” (to take) is used here in the future simple to describe a routine action Nana will perform.
  • “Tu parleras comme une Française !” (You will speak like a Frenchwoman!)
    • “Parler” (to speak) illustrates a future ability or achievement in language proficiency.

Explanation from the Text

The dialogue between Julie and Nana serves as a prime example of a French future tense dialogue. Using the future simple in these contexts provides clear and specific information about what is expected to happen, making the conversation both informative and directional.

Additional Examples

Here are a few more examples to illustrate the use of the future simple in French:

  • “Je mangerai bientôt.” (I will eat soon.)
  • “Nous irons au cinéma demain.” (We will go to the cinema tomorrow.)
  • “Elle finira le projet la semaine prochaine.” (She will finish the project next week.)

Special Note on Irregular Verb Stems

For certain verbs in French, the stem used in the future simple is irregular and must be memorized. These irregular stems do not necessarily resemble the infinitive form. This is particularly true for common verbs such as “être,” “avoir,” and others listed below.

Table of Irregular Verbs Conjugated in the Future Simple

Here’s a complete conjugation of these essential irregular verbs in the future simple:

verb future stem je tu il/elle nous vous ils/elles
être ser- serai seras sera serons serez seront
avoir aur- aurai auras aura aurons aurez auront
savoir saur- saurai sauras saura saurons saurez sauront
pouvoir pourr- pourrai pourras pourra pourrons pourrez pourront
faire fer- ferai feras fera ferons ferez feront
aller ir- irai iras ira irons irez iront
voir verr- verrai verras verra verrons verrez verront
devoir devr- devrai devras devra devrons devrez devront
venir viendr- viendrai viendras viendra viendrons viendrez viendront

Usage in Context

These irregular verbs are fundamental in expressing future actions, obligations, or abilities. Here are examples to show how these verbs can be used in context:

  • Je serai là demain.       I will be there tomorrow. 
  • Tu auras besoin de plus de temps.       You will need more time.
  • Nous saurons bientôt la vérité.     We will know the truth soon.
  • Elle pourra venir avec nous.       She will be able to come with us.
  • Ils feront les devoirs ce soir.       They will do the homework tonight.
  • Nous irons en France l’année prochaine.       We will go to France next year.
  • Vous verrez la différence.       You will see the difference.
  • Tu devras finir cela avant vendredi.       You will have to finish this before Friday.
  • Elles viendront avec nous au cinéma.       They will come with us to the cinema.

II) French future tense dialogue : Hypothetical Statements Using the Future Tense


In French, hypothetical statements about the future are often constructed using the “si” clause followed by a simple present tense verb, which then triggers the use of the future simple in the main clause. This structure is used to express what will happen if a certain condition is met.

Explanation of Structure

  • Si + Present Tense, Future Simple
    • The “si” clause sets the condition and is always in the present tense.
    • The main clause, expressing the outcome or result of that condition, uses the future simple.

Example from the Dialogue

  • “Si tu restes six mois, tu parleras comme une Française !”
    • Translation: “If you stay for six months, you will speak like a Frenchwoman!”
    • Here, “si tu restes six mois” (if you stay six months) is the condition, and “tu parleras comme une Française” (you will speak like a Frenchwoman) is the result.

Additional Examples

  • Si tu étudies tous les jours, tu réussiras à l’examen.
    • Translation: If you study every day, you will pass the exam.
  • Si nous partons maintenant, nous arriverons à temps.
    • Translation: If we leave now, we will arrive on time.
  • Si elle économise assez, elle achètera une nouvelle voiture.
    • Translation:  If she saves enough, she will buy a new car.
  • Si vous suivez bien les instructions, vous finirez le projet avec succès.
    • Translation: If you follow the instructions carefully, you will complete the project successfully.

Key Points to Remember

  • The present tense in the “si” clause is crucial; using the future tense after “si” is a common error among French learners.
  • The future simple in the main clause expresses a definite outcome based on the condition set by the “si” clause.


Understanding how to construct and use hypothetical statements with “si” clauses and the future tense is essential for effective communication in French. It allows you to discuss possible future scenarios and their outcomes clearly and correctly. This grammatical structure enriches your conversational skills and enhances your ability to plan and speculate about future events in French.

🍀 French future tense dialogue : Practice Exercises 🍀

Practice conjugating verbs in the future tense to improve your French future tense dialogue skills.

Exercise 1: Conjugate the Verbs in the Future Tense


Conjugate the verb in parentheses to the future simple tense:

  1. Demain, je ______ (partir) à huit heures.
  2. Ils ______ (finir) le projet avant le vendredi.
  3. Tu ______ (pouvoir) voir le résultat demain.
  4. Nous ______ (aller) visiter le musée la semaine prochaine.
  5. Elle ______ (devoir) prendre une décision bientôt.
  6. Vous ______ (savoir) la vérité après la réunion.
  7. Je ______ (venir) te chercher à la gare.
  8. Ils ______ (prendre) le bus pour aller au travail.
  9. Tu ______ (être) surpris par les nouvelles.
  10. Nous ______ (avoir) besoin de plus de temps pour finir cela.

Answers :

  1. Demain, je partirai à huit heures.
  2. Ils finiront  le projet avant le vendredi.
  3. Tu pourras voir le résultat demain.
  4. Nous irons visiter le musée la semaine prochaine.
  5. Elle devra  prendre une décision bientôt.
  6. Vous saurez la vérité après la réunion.
  7. Je viendrai te chercher à la gare.
  8. Ils prendront le bus pour aller au travail.
  9. Tu seras surpris par les nouvelles.
  10. Nous aurons besoin de plus de temps pour finir cela.

Click here to delve deeper into the study of the future tense with this comprehensive lesson and exercises.

Exercise 2: Translate from English to French


Translate the following sentences into French using the future simple where appropriate:

  1. If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
  2. She will buy a new car if she saves enough money.
  3. We will go to the beach if the weather is good.
  4. They will move to a new house next year.
  5. I will call you as soon as I arrive.

Translation : 

  1. Si tu étudies sérieusement, tu réussiras à l’examen.
  2. Elle achètera une nouvelle voiture si elle économise assez d’argent.
  3. Nous irons à la plage s’il fait beau.
  4. Ils déménageront dans une nouvelle maison l’année prochaine.
  5. Je t’appellerai dès que j’arriverai.

Exercise 3: Translate from French to English


Translate the following sentences from French to English:

  1. Si tu restes six mois, tu parleras comme une Française.
  2. Nous irons au cinéma si le film est encore à l’affiche.
  3. Elle réussira si elle travaille avec diligence.
  4. Ils trouveront une solution s’ils collaborent bien.
  5. Tu comprendras mieux si tu lis le livre.

Translation :

  1. If you stay six months, you will speak like a Frenchwoman.
  2. We will go to the cinema if the movie is still showing.
  3. She will succeed if she works diligently.
  4. They will find a solution if they collaborate well.
  5. You will understand better if you read the book.

French future tense dialogue : Conclusion

Conclusion By understanding this dialogue and practicing with the exercises, you’ll enhance your ability to comprehend and use French in everyday conversations, particularly in contexts involving study and adjustment to new environments.

Keywords : French future tense dialogue