Lesson 1.5: 

In this lesson, we will first learn how to introduce ourselves simply in French in both formal and informal situations. Then we will learn to pronounce the French alphabet with the help of audio.

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Saying Your Name:

To introduce yourself in French, start by saying “je m’appelle” followed by your first name in an informal situation.


Je m’appelle Sylvain.                                  My name is Sylvain.

In a more formal situation say “je m’appelle” followed by your first name and then your last name.


Je m’appelle Sylvain Lebon.                 My name is Sylvain Lebon.

Practice saying your name in French.

The French Alphabet:

Although the French and English alphabets are almost identical, there are nevertheless some nuances. Listen carefully to the audio and observe the differences between the French and English alphabets.

Letter Simplified Pronunciation API Pronunciation
A ah /a/
B bay /be/
C say /se/
D day /de/
E uh /ə/
F eff /ɛf/
G zhay /ʒe/
H ahsh /aʃ/
I ee /i/
J zhay /ʒi/
K kah /ka/
L ell /ɛl/
M emm /ɛm/
N ahn /ɛn/
O oh /o/
P pay /pe/
Q koo /ky/
R air /ɛʁ/
S ess /ɛs/
T tay /te/
U oo /y/
V vay /ve/
W doo-bluh Vay /dublə ve/
X eeks /iks/
Y ee-grek /i ɡʁɛk/
Z zed /zɛd/

Practice pronouncing the French alphabet after listening to the pronunciation.

3. Exercise : Spell your name in French.

For example, if your name is “Lucie,” spell your name like this:

  • L :      / ɛl /
  • U :     / y /
  • C :     / se /
  • I :      / i /
  • E  :    / ə /

So, “Lucie” is spelled “L.U.C.I.E ” in French.

4. Practice:

Now, try introducing yourself in French and spelling your name.


  • “Je m’appelle Vincent . V-I-N-C-E.N.T”
  • Je m’appelle Akim Fassou A.K.I. M   F.A.S.S.O.U

Practice as many times as you need to feel comfortable.

Conclusion: In this lesson we learned how to pronounce the French alphabet and say our name.

Let’s continue learning with the pages below: